You should try this if you travel to Oaxaca

Mexican cuisine is recognized worldwide for its great variety. Oaxaca has been a big part of this, in this holiday there is no diet when you read this list will make your mouth water and you cannot wait to be in Oaxaca to try all this.


Not only is there one type of mole in the state of Oaxaca, but there are also seven types:

1) Mole negro, what distinguishes this is the use of a chili endemic to the area called chilhuacle.
2) Red molethe spiciest of all, has this color since the chilies used are not so much tatemado (to slightly burn its outside).
3) Yellow mole, unlike red is the least spicy, what differentiates it is the use of the Hoja Santa. 
4) Green mole, the most herbal of all, has fresh zucchini, pumpkin leaves, chayote and green beans to give it its characteristic color.
5) Chichilo, this mole is possibly the least known, it has to be served in deep dishes since it is not thick and as with the black mole, chilhuacle is used to give it its color.
6) Mole coloradito, this unlike others is sweeter by the amount of sugar it requires, and to give it its reddish tone is used Pasilla pepper.
7) Estofado, common to the colder areas of Oaxaca, has an almond flavor that resembles the Pipian of Puebla, but without the green tones.


Also known as “de hebras” for its texture as it is obtained from the leg of the beef and in some cases from the rib. This cut of meat is prepared in a similar way to the Cecina, leaving it and drying it in the air or with wood smoke.


It is characterized by size, as they measure 30 to 40 centimeters in diameter, with a corn base with beans, tasajo, cheese, cabbage, lettuce, and Morita pepper sauce. If you eat us a lot, we recommend sharing it with a friend.


This one may scare a lot at first, but by its seasoning, it can become your favorite. Prepared with lemon, serrano pepper, and garlic for later frying.


A thick drink of corn and cocoa is known to refresh the one who takes it and also to provide food containing dough balls.


Oaxaca is known for the quality of chocolate it has, in this case for drinking. You will find it in many presentations and mixed with different things like milk, mezcal or fruits to give it a different touch.

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